Friday, May 25, 2012

Open Studios

It's Open Studios time.

I'm excited to be part of the 2nd annual Porter Mill Open Studios on Saturday, June 16th.  There are now around fifty artists in the building, as well as a gallery and classroom space.  I'll have some new work on view.  It should be a pretty good party-you should come!

Open Studios at Porter Mill
95 Rantoul Street
Beverly, MA
Saturday, June 16th 2012
10:00 am - 4:00 pm Open Studios
5:00 pm - 7:00 pm Gallery reception, live music and food/drink

Sunday, May 6, 2012

1-Day Painting

Most of my work takes soooooo long to make, sometimes it's nice to be able to knock off a piece in one sitting.  A quick trip to Artist & Craftsman Supply this morning for my weekly gel pen fix led me to this really cool hand-made paper, so I bought a couple of sheets, not really knowing what I would do with it.  This little painting started off as a doodle in my sketchbook.  Now that I'm looking at it, I think the doodle is better than the painting.  And to be honest, it's probably not really finished.  I'm sure I'll find myself working on it next time I'm in the studio.  At least I got a temporary sense of accomplishment today.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Vintage Remix

I got the best package in the mail last night--a copy of interior designer Kishani Perera's newly published book, Vintage Remix.  This book is filled with beautiful photos of Kishani's bohemian-meets-glam interiors, and also great insights into her inspirations and process.  I'm also thrilled that she owns one of my pieces, Spire System #1, which makes an appearance in the book.  You should definitely check it out!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Hi! Thanks for visiting my blog...I hope to use this space to update about news and events, goings on in the studio, works in progress, etc.  And I hope to actually do this on a regular basis...

For now, here are some shots of my new(ish) studio space in Beverly, MA and some (blurry) photos of some works in progress.  Enjoy!

'The One and the Many', in progress, approximately 3'x4'

Detail of as-yet-untitled piece

Another detail, mixed media on paper

Detail of untitled piece